L’un des deux groupes d’élèves de 4èmes du Collège Notre Dame à Niort partis en Angleterre en décembre 2011
Lien vers la page Facebook créée par l’un des enseignants accompagnateurs afin de permettre aux familles de suivre l’aventure britannique de leurs enfants.
Paroles d’élèves :
My trip to London
We look the Ferry in Calais, we could see the sea, it was beautiful and funny. It was dark blue. It was sunny. We ate the breakfast on the deck.
Paul Babuchon et David Traparic
My trip to England
We visited Chelsea stadium.
We saw its different parts
It was great, it was funny.
Thomas C. et Camille C.
We went to London for school trip. Between Niort and Calais we travelled by coach and between Calais and Dover we travelled by ferry. It took us 13 hours. We visited the great and big shop of toys in the world it was Hamley’s. It was so great because it was Christmas and there were lots of decorations.
We visited the Natural History Museum. It was super because it was interesting and big.
Guillaume H. and Paul A.
My trip to England
My trip was cool ! I disliked Chelsea Stadium because it was small but I adored London by night because there were decorations. It was cold and sunny.
Samy and Quentin.